Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Need excellent lawyer for workers-comp case. Live in FL case in NY. Have all info needed, can travel some?

THE best way to find a lawyer is by word of mouth. Ask your: family, friends, coworkers, anyone you might know in the same situation, etc.


Call your local (usually county) bar association. Ask for names of attorneys that handle Workmens' Comp. (If money is a BIG problem, you could also ask for the phone number of your local LegalAid office. - the attorneys at LegalAid are ';real'; attorneys, but sometimes in the field of Law, how much you are willing to pay does affect the quality you get.)

When you call the law office(s), insist on speaking with the Lawyer. Just tell the Secretary the main idea of your matter - do not tell all the little details of your matter to the Secretary - save the details for the Attorney. When you get the Lawyer on the phone line, ask him/her:

- Do they give FREE, initial consultations? (most do, but not all - you have to ask, don't assume)

- How much do they charge?

- Could you make payments on your account?

- Can they help you? OR Refer you to someone who can help you?

Good luck.

(This is based on my knowledge, information, belief, and life experiences. This was intended as personal opinion, and not intended to be used as legal advice. Seeking advice over the Internet is not a good idea - the field of Law is too complex for that. Please be careful and do your research.)

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